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Diabetes Management Journal August 2024 References


From the Ed’s desk

  1. Tudor Hart J. The inverse care law. The Lancet [Internet]. 1971 Feb;297(7696):405–12. Available from: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(71)92410-X/fulltext
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HbA1c may be inaccurate in South Asian people

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Gestational diabetes (GDM) and inter-generational Metabolic Associated Fatty Liver Disease (MAFLD)

  1. Ru Xun Foo, Jenny Junyi Ma, Du R, Boon G, Yap Seng Chong, Zhang C, et al. Gestational diabetes mellitus and development of intergenerational non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) after delivery: a systematic review and meta-analysis. EClinicalMedicine. 2024 Jun 1;72:102609–9.
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Fathers’ diet influences metabolic health of sons through sperm RNA

  1. 1. Cai C, Chen Q. Father’s diet influences son’s metabolic health through sperm RNA. Nature [Internet]. 2024 Jun 1 [cited 2024 Jun 21];630(8017):571–3. Available from: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-024-01502-w

Exercise timing may be important in glycaemic management

  1. Clavero‐Jimeno A, Dote‐Montero M, Migueles JH, Camacho‐Cardenosa A, Oses M, Jon Echarte Medina, et al. Impact of lifestyle moderate‐to‐vigorous physical activity timing on glycemic in sedentary adults with overweight/obesity and metabolic impairments. Obesity. 2024 Jun 10;
  2. Moholdt T, Parr EB, Devlin BL, Debik J, Giskeødegård G, Hawley JA. The effect of morning vs evening exercise training on glycaemic control and serum metabolites in overweight/obese men: a randomised trial. Diabetologia. 2021 May 19;
  3. Idris I. Afternoon exercise shown to induce greater reduction in blood glucose levels among people with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes, obesity and metabolism now. 2023 Jun 1;1(6).


p8-11 The LGBTQIA+ Community and Diabetes

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  12. Brennan-Ing M, Haberlen S, Ware D, et al. Psychological Connection to the Gay Community and Negative Self-Appraisals in Middle-Aged and Older Men Who Have Sex With Men: The Mediating Effects of Fitness Engagement. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B. 2021;77(1):39-49. doi:10.1093/geronb/gbab076
  13. Pachankis JE, Clark KA, Burton CL, Hughto JMW, Bränström R, Keene DE. Sex, status, competition, and exclusion: Intraminority stress from within the gay community and gay and bisexual men’s mental health. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 2020;119(3):713.
  14. Halcomb E, Thompson C, Tillott S, Robinson K, Lucas E. Exploring social connectedness in older Australians with chronic conditions: Results of a descriptive survey. Collegian. 2022/12/01/ 2022;29(6):860-866. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.colegn.2022.05.011
  15. Kempapidis T, Heinze N, Green AK, Gomes RSM. Queer and Disabled: Exploring the Experiences of People Who Identify as LGBT and Live with Disabilities. Disabilities. 2024;4(1):41-63.
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  24. Henson J, Covenant A, Hall AP, et al. Waking Up to the Importance of Sleep in Type 2 Diabetes Management: A Narrative Review. Diabetes Care. 2024;47(3):331-343. doi:10.2337/dci23-0037
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  28. Shadid S, Abosi-Appeadu K, De Maertelaere A-S, et al. Effects of Gender-Affirming Hormone Therapy on Insulin Sensitivity and Incretin Responses in Transgender People. Diabetes Care. 2019;43(2):411-417. doi:10.2337/dc19-1061
  29. Sánchez-Toscano E, Domínguez-Riscart J, Larrán-Escandón L, Mateo-Gavira I, Aguilar-Diosdado M. Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Transgender People after Gender-Affirming Hormone Therapy. J Clin Med. Sep 23 2023;12(19)doi:10.3390/jcm12196141
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p12-15 Diabetes & cancer – what are the risks?

  1. Lega IC, Lipscombe LL. Review: Diabetes, Obesity, and Cancer-Pathophysiology and Clinical Implications. Endocr Rev. 2020;41(1).
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p22-25 Type 1 diabetes: Natural history and prevention

  1. ElSayed NA, Aleppo G, Aroda VR, Bannuru RR, Brown FM, Bruemmer D, et al. 2. Classification and Diagnosis of Diabetes: Standards of Care in Diabetes-2023. Diabetes Care. 2023;46(Suppl 1):S19-s40.
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p26 – 29 PCOS & Diabetes: an overview of revised guidelines

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